Tuesday, 6 March 2012


NATA...national aptitude test in architecture,starts in the month of march and runs till september.
Registration forms will be available both online and offline.nata resigestrations forms cannot be submitted online,but you need to visit your nearest b.arch college(nata conducting college) and submit the form ,you even need to choose a convenient date for you ,to give  the exam.nata exam will be for 200 marks(i.e, 100 marks for drawing part,100 marks for aptitude part).
aptitude part will be online based exam.(40 choose and fill type questions,each question will be given  50 to 60 seconds of time).
well,when it comes to drawing part,you will have to answer 3 questions,first question will be for 50 marks and rest two questions will be for 25 each.

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